All year but most plentiful November- April
Beets are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and plant compounds, some of which have medicinal properties. They are an excellent source of folate and a very good source of fibre, manganese and potassium.
Beetroots have many health benefits, especially for heart health and exercise performance. Beetroot contains a unique group of red pigments (betalains), which may help boost the body`s detoxification processes and have anti-inflammatory activity. Beetroots are high in several beneficial plant compounds which help to reduce blood pressure.
Store roots in the crisper of the refrigerator; it`s not necessary to wrap them. Store young beetroot leaves in a paper bag in the crisper.
Ways to eat
Beetroots can be eaten cooked, raw or juiced. Young leaves can be eaten boiled, steamed, microwaved, stir fried or raw.